Friday, September 12, 2008


The widely held belief that rats will eat anything is generally true, as we have recently discovered. Ratatouille clearly prefers breakfast cereal to French fries, but made quick work of carrots too. Now that I think about it, we should have given the beast some raw hamburger as well as the cooked. No, on second thought, just knowing that a rat will eat grilled hamburger is enough.

We’ve also discovered that a rat’s paws very much resemble human hands—a fact that is more than just a little creepy. This is the main reason Rata is still in the squirrel trap. I’m reasonably sure if I released the rodent it would come hissing at me and wrap those little hands right around my neck!

The wife has begun to demand that the dreadful rat be removed from the premises immediately; preferably dead. She won’t even go out on the deck while it is there. Little Mil thinks we should release it back into the wild but a long way from our house. I suggested we teach Little Rata to do tricks.

Now it looks like my wife will get her wish: the poison appears to be working after all—or maybe it was the French fries?

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